It’s a gift that will spark imagination and creativity.
The Vandalia-Butler Foundation has awarded a $4,000 VISIONS grant to support the annual spring K-8 Art Show at Smith Middle School.
“A huge thank you for this Dayton Foundation/Visions grant! These funds will help purchase curating and display items for K-8 art shows for many years to come,” said Arrin Turnmire, art teacher at Smith Middle School. “We genuinely appreciate their continued support of our art program.”
The grant, partially funded by Minster Bank and American Legion #668, is part of more than $26,000 in new educational funds and previously approved awards for innovative classroom initiatives in the Vandalia-Butler City Schools.
“We’re so grateful to all the individuals, families and businesses who generously donated to VISIONS over the past year. You’re investing in the education of our community’s children,” said Denise Eder, who chairs the Vandalia-Butler Foundation’s education committee.
(Photo by Mary Stephens, Vandalia-Butler City Schools. L-R: Michelle Sherrill of VISIONS and Minster Bank; Arrin Turnmire, art teacher at Smith Middle School; Ryan Rogers, principal at Smith Middle School; and Sharon Gitman and Denise Eder of VISIONS.)