Leave a Legacy.
Leave the world a better place.
There’s no greater way to leave your mark in life than to help others achieve their dreams.
Helen Lawson
What are the causes
closest to your heart?
Longtime educator Helen Lawson loved teaching local third graders because they were “very curious and eager to learn with a desire to please.” She also enjoyed talking to groups of children about pioneer life in a renovated one-room schoolhouse maintained by the Historical Society of Vandalia-Butler, where she served as president and education chairperson.
When she died at the age of 93 in 2021, she left more than $1 million to the causes close to her heart — an endowed scholarship fund that supports graduating Butler High School seniors who major in elementary education and an endowed fund that provides annual operating income for the Historical Society of Vandalia-Butler.
Please contact us for more information about how you can leave a lasting legacy through a planned gift — how you can leave the world a better place.